Main Clinic Location: 630 Burnett Drive, Mountain Home, AR 72653

J. Gregory Elders, M.D. FAAFP
Clinic Location

Regional Family Medicine
Main Clinic
630 Burnett Drive
Mountain Home, AR 72653


(870) 425-6971

J. Gregory Elders, M.D. FAAFP

Dr. Elders is an Arkansas Native from Walnut Ridge. He has been in the Mountain Home area since 1992. He is the senior member of our medical staff. He and his wife Michele have raised their 6 children in this area and are now watching them branch out in many different directions, and they are now also enjoying their grandchildren. He loves outdoor activities such as camping and hiking and is an active member of First United Methodist Church.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR

Medical School

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Fayetteville, AR


Cox Medical Center
Springfield, MO

Diplomate, American Board of Family Medicine
Fellow of the American Academy of Family Practice
Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation
Certified Medical Director, Post Acute and Long Term Care
Professional Associations
Arkansas Medical Society
American Academy of Family Practice
Arkansas Academy of Family Practice
American Medical Directors Association
American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Honors & Awards
Phi Beta Kappa Golden Eagle, Boy Scouts of America Silver Beaver, Boy Scouts of America
Volunteer Organizations & Personal Interests
2004 to current Managing Member at Regional Family Medicine
2000-2002 Chief of Staff Baxter Regional Medical Center
Past Chief of Obstetrics, Baxter Regional Medical Center
Past and Recurring Executive Committee, BRMC
Past and Recurring Credentials Committee, BRMC
1995 to current Medical Director; Lake Forest Health and Rehabilitation of Mtn. Home, AR
2002 to current Medical Director; Acute Rehab Unit of Baxter Regional Medical Center
Arkansas Advisory Committee, State Volunteer Mutual Insurance Company